Nicole Richmond
2 min readMar 2, 2022

Two tiny letters. One powerful word. And please don’t let anyone convince you that you need to explain yourself further. You said what you said, NO is a complete sentence. Let us begin to normalize that. I am not talking about the no’s we say to our kids after the 100th time of asking us for this or that. Or even the no you say to your pet after they have done their business on the living room floor for the umpteenth time.

I am talking about saying no to people, places, and things that you know that you do not have the bandwidth to deal with. We are not constantly meant to be on the go-never allowing ourselves to time to rest, and recuperate, to just be still. We are not in junior high school; we don’t need busy work. Adulting comes with tons of responsibilities- you don’t need to pile onto your plate. There is no extra credit for being tired and exhausted… absolutely none.

In today’s hyper connected society, people have FOMO, but you must ask yourself what are you really missing? What if what you are really missing is YOU? What if you replaced looking for something out there to looking for something in there?

Life is all about choices, that is the beauty and the magic of the word no. Every time you say no to something you are saying yes to something else. Just in case you didn’t know; I’ll let you in on a little secret… you are not getting any younger. Decide what you want and say no to everything that isn’t that.

Saying no isn’t selfish, it is the highest form of self-care. Since, March is Women’s History Month, and I couldn’t think of a better time to getting in touch with the magic of no, so that you can start making some history of your own.

“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.”- Paulo Coelho

